设计总监 design director
Isaia易子Pruneddu,yzpro.solutions创意总监。 2013年开始,他一直在中国从事产品,家具,室内设计,广告和品牌开发等项目。 他以理性的思考和独特的美学角度来紧跟设计趋势、理解中国市场动态,努力将本土公司更加国际化。 在加入yz.pro之前,Isaia与许多国际公司合作,包括保时捷,Abercrombie&Fitch,The Voice UK,品物设计,意大利贸易代理,Giorio Casa和AUDI。 他获得了2018年北京阅读节设计方案的一等奖,并于2015年获得法国大使馆颁发的“Bibliothèque itinérante”一等奖。 Isaia拥有都灵理工大学的视觉传播学士学位,以及伦敦城市大学的艺术硕士学位和建筑与设计学院的家具设计硕士学位。 Isaia 易子 Pruneddu is creative director at He has worked in China since 2013 on projects that range from products, furniture, interiors, advertisement, and brand development. The ability to comprehend the dynamics of the Chinese market and translating global trends with rational thinking and aesthetic features made him the perfect fit for the realization of international and local firm ambitions. Before joining, Isaia has cooperated with many international companies including Porsche, Abercrombie&Fitch, The Voice UK, 品物design, Italian Trade Agency, Giorio Casa and AUDI. He was awarded the first prize in 2018 for the design proposal of the Beijing Reading Festival and in 2015 the first prize by the French Embassy for the “Bibliothèque itinérante”. This year his works has been exhibited at the SHENZEN Creative Week Isaia holds a BA in Visual Communication from Politecnico di Torino, and an MA in Furniture Design from The Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design at London Metropolitan University. |