它关注环境内、外部多个区域之间的人员动势,并在私有或公共空间中提供价值和领悟。空间设计将人与空间建立链接,更大的关注空间的精神概念,比如民族归属感、自我认同感和特殊性。 因此,该学科涵盖了各种规模,从室内空间的详细设计到大型区域策略。

It focuses upon the flow of people between multiple areas of interior and exterior environments and delivers value and understanding in spaces across both the private and public realm. The emphasis of the discipline is upon working with people and space, particularly looking at the notion of place, also place identity and genius loci. As such the discipline covers a variety of scales, from detailed design of interior spaces to large regional strategies